Monday, April 5, 2010

Pokemon Emblem Ragnarok


Days fervent and active, moving, new jobs and beginning of the ebb and flow of thoughts and energy.

Vigevano, March 29: the exhibition "Sculpture Young" ended. We went to pack up and withdraw the work.
Vigevano, mostra finita

End of March, Milan: from rain, wind, hail and sometimes some impromptu burst of sunshine, spring begins!
Primavera iniziata

Milan. Work is ongoing to prepare for a new work of sculpture: drawings from the true model's pose, which we will draw a chalk up about one meter. In the foreground of my picture "face" of the model, the second floor in the work of a colleague of my loft. Be the designs of the back and left and right profiles of the model. Started the armor for the modeling work with clay.
Nuovo lavoro di scultura

From March 31 the Academy is closed one week for Easter break: I take this opportunity to work on new designs in the study (the famous 100 that I have to produce for examination ...), along with my three colleagues Cristina Matthew and Paula. The two tables are my area of work, hanging on the wall are the work of Paola, which stands for degree in painting.
Lavoro nello studio

3:04 April, Mantua. Easter brief visit to the depths of Mantua, to my parents 'house, which I visited for a while'.
Pasqua a Mantova

and the upcoming weeks will be even more 'lively!


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