Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shingles Under The Breast

"La samaritana.." + NRaas GUIDE !

aside for a moment my usual modesty, and gentle hands me a compliment: I've become better!
I do not know what it was to make this happen, but I feel good, quiet ...
Suddenly I do not want more fire anyone in my path, and audite audite, I no longer hunger for innocent little children!
Maybe it was read three pounds lighter on the scales?
because I do not think back to my ideal weight should I lose another ten pounds (I must, I weigh fifty at all costs by June), but this is a good start! :) Now
utter the fateful words that should never be mentioned: new year, new life!
I do not know what fucking reason, but I regained optimism that I had more to what? Four years or so ..
And that makes me rejoice corazon I thought I did not have ... *-*
I've always been the Whilelmina Slater (if you do not watch ugly betty can not know what I mean) each situation, but now just about to show my kindness to those who deserve it (which is never done until now, always in here for four years) and who cares if I will not have anything in return, they are so accustomed and the reward will be seeing the smiles on the faces of those who helped and I'll treat you right! : D (or caaaazzo ?!?!?)
then this course I am still the same old Lolita venal and material but it is obvious that if you happen to meet a Michael Aro or .... my heart is totally open \u0026lt;3 and Fuck the money and fame!! (I wonder more and more of my reasoning .___.)
percu, look with hope filled towards the future and promise to address every situation is dramatic, with a pleasant smile, instead of a knife !!!!!! (I actually said, I said it!: 'D) and not to grieve over with my unfortunate misfortune! D'ra on only good things, at most some relief, but never read of my suicide attempts, Saty terms with my friend haves or things that I want to keep a promise to be here, that out! : D
NOW, over 'premise is shitty I would say getting to the point:
Giustappunto because I feel good, I have found salvation within simmico: The NRaas. That mod
that, taking the game to levels of almost two.
I found after years of searching, a page where there are these mod team (all included in NRaas) and guides for the poor retarded like me: D
So if we are successful I would succeed you twice! ! : D
With Portrait Panel you can have no more than 8 families sim, but listen ..... up to 24 (and beyond) !!!!! Great for
For now I only tested the Whooher (well that for Fiki Fiki and romantic interactions between adults and adolescents: D)
which of course I managed to run only now that I'm about to become reality in young adulthood, and then for a story I'm about to post, will help a little (do you feel that we are up to 20 years young so I do not eat your hands xD)
The miracle is this page: http://www.thesims3 .com / forum / viewtopic.php? p = 140867 # p140867 ..!!! and you must register
But I will tell you and I will spare you all are here because as robinùd! (I hope you Dinon trouble passing water in your mouth!)
CREDITS: at the website above who kindly translated the whole, and the creator Twallan \u0026lt;3

This topic is intended to help you and show you the proper way to use this popular and powerful model, also known as a "supercomputer". The mod increases the potential of the debug mode of the game (or make-up testingcheatsenabled true) without activating the makeup of the tricks and get the same control over the game that you had in The Sims 2 with the testing. Although, if one thing you can do it with the cheats already in the game it is better with those. All credits go to his genius creator Twallan, who also kindly provided the opportunity to translate his mods. The Italian translation is kneading. Follow the directions that we will give here, if you do YOUR BUTT and ruined SAVE YOUR GAME, WE will not accept liability. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR GAME BEFORE INSTALLING THE MOD THE GAME ALWAYS UPDATED TO THE LATEST PATCH AND THE OFFERS THAT YOU CAN FIND HERE ON THE FORUM DOWNLOAD VERSION ALWAYS MORE 'LAST OF MASTERCONTROLLER

The download for the' latest NRAAS Mastercontroller-LN is here (V24) [CLICK ]

The download for the file to associate with the tuning Master_controller is here [CLICK ]

Domade? ? Let them
here is the official guide translated into Italian: This mod adds a menu called "Master Controller" objects in the following cities: 1) Each Sim 2) Every Computer 3) Each Lot 4) Hall Menu Master Controller ... "is adaptable and can include the following: The MOD This mod adds a menu called" Master Controller "objects in the following cities: 1) Each Sim 2) Every Computer 3) Each Lot 4) Town Hall addition, the "Order Inventory" has been added to all containers in the city. Menu Master Controller ... "is adaptable and can include the following options: Demographics demographics Careers lists the numeric distribution of work for careers in the sims the sims levels listed by level of career work to make lists based on the sims level of job performance for Careers Jobs ... : Lists the sims on the basis of individual careers Kinsey Scale List sims based on a limited scale Kinsey Lots Lists information about lots in town Lists Population breakdown by age of the population report lists statistics on the relationship between the school sims Performance List for the sims on the basis of academic performance for Sims Rich List families in the city based on personal wealth Family Add-a-Sim allows you to add a sim to Change Name Change active family on the family name Clear All Clear all items to clean, and eliminates throwaway Close Remove the message from sim active the family that wants to visit a certain percentage of depreciation decreases the value of the objects contained in a lot Make Eject family homeless Funds Family of funds increase or decrease the family room with the Focus You focus on a particular batch of an active Make Active Make Sims in the house of the Sim statistical activities of the Items List all objects in the plot, giving the possibility to eliminate Greet Open active in the sim card to a family, allowing him to see inside Adjust All Repair all items in the lot and cleans tiles blackened by fire Reset the Lotto Report all items in a lot of their initial parameters (useful for locked objects ) Order Order Inventory the contents of all containers in the batch status will give a summary of selected batch settings allow more than eight sims for Family Default: False (If set, the blocks to germinate and "Add-a-Sim" , are ignored) Change Default personal mood states: None (Lets you choose the mood was in "fundamental \\ Add a humoral state: Staff List) Remove Delete News All news displayed at the top right corner Delete filter requires the user to delete a saved custom filter Disable Clothing Filter Clothing Disable Filter in CAS Default: False Pedigree levels Default: 4 defines the number of generations seen in the family tree This option is only used dal'opzione "fundamental \\ Family Tree" Hotkeys Default: None Allows the user to specify which interactions should be listed directly in the "NRaas" ; Include the active struggle in Reset All Default: True allows to include the active batch option "Reset All" Makeup Category Default: False If set, changes to the makeup done using the tool "Mirror" are only valid for the category of clothing changes to the current makeup for another category, the first call for change 's Visibility dress Computer Menu Default: True The menu appears when you click on all computers Lotto Default: True The menu appears when you click on all lots Other Default: True The menu appears when you click on objects other than computers, lots or sims Sim Default: The True menu appears when you click on all the sims nude tattoo Default: False If enabled, you will be used in choosing the clothing the naked "Intermediate \\ Tattoo 'Update Menu Reapply the interactions of the "Master Controller" on all items in the city Reset all settings reset to default settings of the mod you want to Preserve and Opportunity Default: False If set, desires and opportunities will be maintained even changing Family Saves the active filter requires the user to save a custom filter that can be used for a certain skill Sim allows the user to define a set of skills to be applied in "Advanced \\ certain skills" multiplier Cursors Default: 1 Increase or decrease the range allowed the facial sliders in the CAS Sim Advanced Battery Change Enable or Disable the free will to a certain sim sims I can not self-interact only when driven by the player Change Sheet allows the user to decide what your Sim knows compositions Change Log in CAS mode ; Create-a-Sim. This is a debug configuration and EA could cause problems if used incorrectly. Interruption of Pregnancy puts an immediate end to the pregnancy of a sim Family Add a child to: Assign a new child to a parent sim Add: assign a new parent to Add a sim / a Brother / Sister: Assign an / a Brother / Sister sim to Remove a child to: Remove the existing relationship with a child to a parent sim Remove: Remove the existing relationship with a parent sim Remove an / a Brother / Sister: Remove the existing relationship with a / aFratello / Sister Kill Kill sim immediately sim chosen from a list. Useful to kill the ghosts that have plaque. Lifetime Aspiration: Counting Change Change Store Count with the aspiration for life with a certain value it when you resetatno aspirations of life of the firefighter or private investigator Recipes List all and indicate which recipes are already familiar with the sim, allowing Selectability Decide whether to select other choices and select the sim, or if NPC is considered a Level Ability Changes the skill level of each sim Determines Ability Apply a pre-defined set of skills to choose the sim set is defined using the "Settings \\ certain skills" I Sims whose ability already exceeds the specified value will not change Total Annihilation A more aggressive version of "Kill", which completely eliminates the sim from the game Traits Change: Show the window for the selection of traits and allows you to specify any number of traits for the sim. Delete: Delete all traits and the desire for life of the selected sim. For use at your own risk. Prize Delete: Allows you to delete an award pension earned by the selected sim. Newborn Baby's Sex fundamental Allows you to choose the sex of the first child of the pregnant sim active sex of the child defines sex Male / Female normally determined from eating watermelon or apples This value is used to decide the sex of the second and third child during pregnancy Multiple Births defines the likelihood of multiple births Family Tree Genealogy Shows the window of a sim selected from a list. Find a plaque Locate the tombstone of a deceased sim Money Transfer allows you to transfer funds from one family to another State Humoral humoral Display the current state of a sim Opportunities Allows the user to select an 'opportunity for the sim Opportunity: By Category Separates Various opportunities into the skill categories Allowing for Easier searching Opportunity: Randomly Random Spawns a new opportunity for given the sim Clothing Change the current sim clothing. The change is not immediately apparent whether the game is paused Rename Change the name of a sim selected in a list. Sell items using the multiple selection allows you to sell multiple items simultaneously Sort Inventory Put order in the inventory of sims on the basis of selected criteria tattoo Upload CAS tattoos for the selected sim Transfer Object allows you to transfer an object from inventory to another cupboard door in the locker CAS sim mode selected in a list Focus Focus on Sim specified Intermediate State Humoral Add a Show a list of all humoral and allows states to apply to a State Humoral Add selected sims: My List is presented with a limited list of mood states, selected using the "Settings \\ Personal humoral Choose Member" Age Allows you to specify how many days have passed since the entry of in sim current age Breast sets the value of the cursor within the CAS for a given sim Career Add a link makes it possible to choose colleagues sim Bonus allows you to increase or decrease the added bonus to pay sim Choose a Head allows you to select a new leader for the sim Choose a job allows the user to find a new job for the sim Choose a School allows you to find a new school for the term of sim sim retirement pension Delete and deletes the old age pension to go to work pushing a sim to go to work, which is in arrears or not Specifies Performance Business the current job performance level of a sim allows you to specify the current level of career Resignation Allows the selected sim to abandon the work Remove Link allows the user to delete Email a colleague retired pushes the selected sim to retire Scholastic Achievement Allows you to specify the school performance of a celebrity sim Level allows you to choose the level of celebrity of a sim, including "0" Points of Celebrity Allows user to add points to a given celebrity sim Clear Clear opponents Opponents assigned Tournament Chess and Martial Arts, and allows the game to make another choice Muscles Allows you to change the musculature of Sexual Preference sim allows you to decide sexual preferences sim Baby instantly creates a number of newborns without pregnancy, and adds them to mother's family Lifetime Happiness Increase or decrease the points of happiness for life in possession of the sim Lifetime Aspiration Change the aspiration of the life of a sim. You can use even if the sim has satisfied the current one. Report: Long Term Category allows you to strengthen or weaken a long-term relationship between two sims Report on Long Term Value Provides the ability to set a long-term value of an exact numerical definition of Muscles Sets the value of the slider muscle definition in the CAS for a given sim Occult allows the user to apply a particular hidden state at a given sim needs to Massimo Porta 100% all the needs of the sim Insemina allows you to choose two parents and to begin a pregnancy weight allows you to choose the weight of a sim Zodiac Pemette to decide a new zodiac sign for a given sim activates Allows the user to activate a new sim This interaction appears as "Make Active (Dream Catcher)" when the option "Keep desires and opportunities" is on personal status Displays information about the selected sim personal report shows information on the reports of the selected sim Family Show information on the family of the selected sim Upload CAS Stylist Stylist for a sim city Bury the Dead Scroll down the genealogy of the city and create headstones for all the ancestors who have none Cleanup Delete all the dead stones accumulated in the mausoleum Want Clear Reset all desires and opportunities and opportunities for sims Genealogy inactive Export Export the genealogy of the entire city in a script log using the standard GEDCOM format of the Heritage Item All sims in the city, they are using default entries, will acquire an item based on hereditary factors and manage the inventory of the Dead Show mausoleum City Statistics of Subjects: Global List all the global objects, and allows the user to delete (Do not use, unless you feel lucky) Statistics of Subjects: Local List all items in the city, and allows the user to delete them (Do not use, unless you feel lucky) Recovers Lost Sims started a process that riaggiungerà sims disappeared from their family unit. Nothing will happen if all the sims are counted. Baby Recovers Vaganti started a process that brings back all the babies in the lot of the family, if they are not currently carried by someone Reset All resets all items in the city Equal to Total Annihilation "Sim \\ Advanced \\ Total Annihilation" but with a simplified interface to a mass annihilation easier Sim Active Filters Selected Filters on the currently selected sim Age Provides a list of multiple selection of different age groups Attraction: Female Select the sims people attracted to female attraction : Males Select the sims people attracted to male attraction: Undecided Select all sims that have not yet decided on what sex you are attracted celebrity Select level depending on the level of fame selected colleagues sim colleagues at work or school Select the current struggle between sims in the active struggle Select all sims from different families in a different family that of the sim specified Select Eligibility based on the fact that the sim has or has not a partner Sex: Female Select according to the sex of sims Sex: Male Select according to the sex of the inhabitants of sims World Select a world apart Select Family Family members of an occult type selection based on the type of hidden state Humoral Select all sims on the basis of the particular state of humoral Personal Information: Career Select all sims on the basis of current work Personal Information: Select the sims inventory based on the content of 'inventory Personal Information: Select the Lifetime Aspiration sims lifetime aspiration under Personal Information: Select the sims Humor in the current state humoral Personal Information: Skills Select all sims on the basis of skill level Personal Information: Traits Select all sims on the basis of personality traits Personal Information: Sign of the Zodiac Select the sims under the astrological sign Preference: Favorite Color Select in the sims according to the preferred color preference: Select all sims Favourite Food according to favorite food preference: Select all sims Favourite Music according to the music played Sim Random: Selects and uses a sim at random from a list selected Reports: Ancestor Select all sims that are ancestors of the selected sim Relations: blood relatives Select a Sim who has blood ties with the att sim Relations: In-law: Select a Sim who has family ties acquired with the active sim Relations: Descending Select all sims that are descendants of the selected sim Reports: Ancestor Not Select the sims that are NOT the ancestors of the selected sim Relationship: No Direction Select all sims that are NOT descendants sim selected Reports: None Select a sim that could have a romance with the active sim Status: Available in 2 hours Select all sim that will be free within 2 hours. Useful to invite to parties. Status: Please select a sim in job performance based on current job performance Status: No Children Select all sims that do not have children Status: Single Find the sims currently without a partner Status: Select the sims Coupled coupled Status: Scholastic Achievement Select a sim based on current school performance in Town Family Select a family living in a city the sims Select Service Type Service Type Sim in life: Do not died Died: Includes ghosts and belonging sims family tree that have been moved out of the city * * Ranger: Rangers Foreign Tourists: All foreign sims currently in circulation in the city of Service Ex Sims: Sims of service that have become the city's residents Founder: Sims residents who have no relatives Homelessness: Sims in the city who have no home Local: Sims who live in the city present a single parent: children Cloned Pregnancy: Pregnancy Resident Sims: Sims in the City who own a house NPC's Service: The Sims Service (waiters, firefighters, babysitters, etc..) split pairs Sims who are married, but not live interaction with notes using the "Master Controller" outside the Sim, the menu automatically choose this as the recipient of the sim. If you wish to use a different sim, use the computer or the Town Hall. WARNING As always, make a backup of your files saved before installing the Master Computer. This mod can really ruin your town if used improperly. Remember that if something goes wrong, everything will go wrong. Have Fun. Special thanks to NdT Twallan for his creations, and for having kindly granted the opportunity to translate his mods. The Italian translation is braking. ____________________________________________________________________ NRAAS_WHOOHER

Here's the version of NRAAS Whooher! The same recommendations made for the Master Controller, also apply here ovviemente The credits go to its creator, Twallan, and we thank him for giving the opportunity to translate his mod. The Italian translation is done by Amber. FOLLOW GIVE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE, HE WILL MAKE YOUR BUTT and ruined SAVE YOUR GAME, WE will not accept liability. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR GAME BEFORE INSTALLING THE MOD THE GAME ALWAYS UPDATED TO THE LATEST PATCH AND THE OFFERS THAT YOU CAN FIND HERE ON THE FORUM DOWNLOAD VERSION ALWAYS THE MOST 'Updating the NRAAS_WHOOHER

Downloading the latest version NRAAS_Whooher here is the (V 37) [CLICK ]

The download file for tuning is here [CLICK ]

fikifiki To enable young people to click on the word or woohoo FikiFiki as in the picture: it appears a 'second set of options, click on any line to bring it all to true (in some versions are written woohoo and other FikiFiki)

If you want to breed your sim adolesecneti you will need the appropriate clothing for teenagers here: CLICK

maternity wear TEEN Same for males to get pregnant SIMMs you need the maternity clothes MAN

This mod is intended to be run on any patch level. MOD This mod does the following modifications to the game: 1) A new menu called "NRaas \\ Woohooer" was added sim active menu, which lists the options for this mod 2) All the romantic social interactions were increased with a tunable trait-goal and the new set of custom rules 3) Interactions Woohoo and Try to have a baby on Sarcophagus, Time Machine, Rabbitholes bed and were replaced with those using the new rules. 4) E 'was added to the interaction "Risky Woohoo" standing in the social interaction bed 5) Jealousy has been altered by the interaction of the bed woohoo. See below for details. 6) The interactions Move your computer and phone have been modified to allow adolescents to live alone, and do not bust out when more than 8 sims in the family of origin remain NOTES This mod is tunable, but each now has a corresponding value of tuning options in the game that can be set for the city of tuning the default file can be found here: The Jealousy system has been altered by this mod: Romance social interactions (excluding Woohoo) now covers only the sims in the same room Jealousy Woohoo now affects only the sims that meet the following conditions: No asleep and have not taken pantofolaio? / Sleeper (lovingly ripped off by DarkPool) If within a plan Woohoo, whether above ground are on the same level Woohoo, if I'm not in the ground outside, while inside I'm not going woohoo inside, while the woohoo is happening outside WARNING Be aware of this problem: This is a mod Injector Interaction. Before you uninstall, you must make sure no sim is to perform the interactions added by this mod. Otherwise, the game is returned to the load-up. Use MasterController "City \\ Reset All" to stop all running programs before uninstalling interactions. As always, be sure to back up your save file before installing this mod. This mod is disarmingly simple, but if something can go wrong, will go wrong. FILES You must install both the NRaas_Woohooer.package NRaas_Woohooer_Scoring.package and if you intend to use the system-Trait score. See attached. UPDATES Version 32 Added code to eliminate woohoo broadcasters operating on load-up. Added a catch for the presence of incorrect data, as reported by jordi The Naked Woohoo Sims will no longer move in their clothes if they are already wearing clothes that Sims woohoo outdoors will no longer start naked, because there are no doors to dictate when to get healed after 20-SEP-2010 Updated Portuguese translation 22-SEP-2010 Updated Translation Italian version 33 reduced the weight when two sims are 100 in their relationship in mid-Added catch to stop the check from going bust when CanBeRomantic Sims has a genealogy of a corrupt Have Fun. Note: The default setting for tuning kAttractionBaseChanceScoring has changed. If you use a tuning file, be sure to update the value. V19 Interactions "considered attractive" Display a notification that defines how attractive your sim finds that the sim selected for "Attraction Gauge" Display a notification that defines how attractive the selected sim sim active considers to be "Woohoo!" running a version more freedom to "Woohoo" regardless of age and gender "Risky Woohoo!" Risky Woohoo! The probability of conception is tunable. "Try For Baby!" Run a free version of "Try For Baby" with no restrictions on age and sex "Cuddle in Bed" While both sims are in bed, this allows a freer version of pampering , leading into or Kissing Make Out OPTIONS General Debug Enable debugging for this mod, which is a system of regular collection of statistics showing the success trait-rating system is performing. Default: False Apply When privacy is enabled the game to force all the sims shoo intruders out of the room before Woohoo If false, the system of private life is governed by trait-scoring Default: False self-rating of the gate determines the minimum long-term relationship between two sims trying to individually Woohoo Default: 40 Maximum size of personnel for self-determines the upper limit of the sims in one family, occurred in a person "Try For Baby" Default: 8 It must be romantic for Autonomous When enabled, sims must have a "romantic interest" or higher in order to report independently Woohoo By default: True Total Reset Reset settings of this mod is back to the values of tuning Use Outfit Naked When activated, the sims will go in their clothes during Woohoo naked, and return once left the bedroom. Default: False Autonomous Risky Risky When enabled, sims can run independently Risky Woohoo interactions Default: False Hidden from "Risky Success rate for children" 0 = Autonomous Risky Teen When enabled, adolescents are able run independently Risky Woohoo interactions Default: False Hidden from "self- at risk "= False," Allow Teen Woohoo "= False," Risky Success rate for children "0 = Risky Baby Success Rate The possibility that an interaction risky woohoo conceive a child Default: 10 The Risky Chance Base Scoring percent chance before trait-goal, that a sim will be interested in performing a Risky Woohoo Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Romance Romance Allow Autonomous Near connection If enable autonomous interaction near-romantic relationship Default: False Hidden by: "Allow relative Romance" Romance = False Allow connection Close Whether to allow the quasi-romantic relationship interactions Default: False Allow Romance Teen-adult romantic Whether to allow teen-adult interactions, both autonomous and user-directed by default: True Attraction Base Scoring Chance The possibility percent before trait-goals, that is attracted to another sim sim Default: 50 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Base Scoring Chance Romance The possibility percent of trait-goal first, that a sim will be interested in performing a romantic social interaction Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False score Dump recording writes the score accumulated statistics on trait-hidden file by: "Debugging" Reacting to the Base Case = False Jealousy Scoring The possibility percent of trait-goal first, that a sim will be eligible to react to a situation jealousy Woohoo Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Sneakiness Base The percent scoring opportunities before trait-goal, that a sim will notice another lover in the room before engaging in romantic interactions with another sim Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Test Scoring Runs a series of scores on all the sims in the city and shows the result in a hidden file from: "Debugging" Trait Goal = False Privacy If privacy woohoo trait-based scoring by default: True Hidden by: "Come on Privacy" = true score for Trait If you use Direct-trait scores to determine when user-directed interactions are available among sims Default: Use False Mood in scoring Whether to use a current state of mind during sim-trait scoring by default: True Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Use Trait Scoring If using trait-score to determine when a sim you can run a interaction of default: True Test For Baby Let same-sex Try For Baby If you see the "Try For Baby" interaction for same-sex couples Default: True Hidden by: "Try for Baby autonomous = False Try For Baby Autonomous female-female Whether to allow same-sex female autonomy" Try For Baby "By default: True Hidden by:" Allow the same sex Try For Baby "= FalseFalse," Try for Baby autonomous = False Try For Baby Autonomous Male-Female Whether to allow same-sex male couples of autonomy "Try For Baby" Default: False Hidden by: "Allow Same-sex Try For Baby "= False", autonomous Try For Baby "= False Try For Baby Autonomous Teen Whether to allow children on their own "Try For Baby" Default: False Hidden by: "Try for Baby autonomous" autonomous = False Try For Baby If you allow self-employed "Try For Baby" Default: false Download the Base Chance Baby The percent scoring opportunities before trait-goal, that a sim will be interested in performing "Try For Baby" Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring" = False Try the success rate for children the chance a "Try For Baby" interaction conceive a child Default: 75 Woohoo Woohoo Let Autonomous Close connection Whether to allow interactions woohoo near-relation, both autonomous and user-directed Default: False Hidden by: "Allow woohoo relative = False," Allow Autonomous relative Romance "= False Allow connection if Near Woohoo woohoo interactions allow the near-report both autonomous and user-directed Default: False Hidden by: "Allow relative Romance" = False Let Teen-Adult Woohoo woohoo Whether to allow teen-adult interactions, both autonomous and user-directed Default: False Hidden by: "Allow Teen Romance -adults "= False," Allow Teen woohoo "= False Let Teen Woohoo woohoo Whether to allow interactions teen-teen, both autonomous and user-directed Default: False Hidden by: "Interaction woohoo Hide" = true Whether to allow interactions Woohoo Woohoo Autonomous self Default: False Hidden by: "Interaction woohoo Hide" Hide = true If enabled Woohoo Interaction The interaction "Woohoo" is completely hidden Default: False Woohoo Base Scoring Chance The possibility percent of trait-goal first, that a sim will be interested in performing an interaction vanilla Woohoo Default: 25 Hidden from "trait Use Scoring "= False Major Revision Changes: Added interface for the various game settings interactions Woohoo will now use tents if there are romantic social interactions are now enclosed by a policy of Attraction trait-scoring is now Woohoo jealousy trait-marked (non-romantic jealousy woohoo interaction is not affected) Woohoo Privacy is now marked trait- Sims will no longer be sneakier perform romantic interactions with other Sims in front of other love interests interactions WoohooInRabbithole Replaced Replaced Replaced the Time Machine interactions Woohoo Woohoo Sarcophagus interactions replace the computer and the phone 'Move' interactions with one allows students to live on their own and ignore the issue of The Sims in a family Changed the "Ask To Move In" and "offer to move in with" social interactions to use the more flexible model in motion Changed "to propose marriage," social interaction so that appears to overstuffed families Changed "Have Private Wedding" social interaction in a way that works for families overstuffed ___________________________________________________________________

The decensor is a mod that replaces the nomosaic, acts exactly like her ... but has a small advantage can not be updated Of course all the time, you have to download the semrpe more recently, that we propose here NRaas_Decensor v 3 ________________________________________________________________________


Here's the mod that allows you to select a family more than eight sims With only Nraas added, there was a problem esi s increased the number of family members, because after the eighth Simmini were not selected.
Now with this mod, you can click here to download the mod (V3) [CLICK ] Version 2 is compatible with Late Night

The Official Guide This mod changes the portrait to display panel a maximum of 24 portraits sim, useful for playing overstuffed families. Clicking on a picture with the middle mouse button will now be the sim menu. Similarly, a double-click on a picture will do the same (for those of you sans the mouse buttons in the center). A new interaction is added to each Sim called 'Portrait NRaas Panel' which can be used to recall the setting for the mod. A button was added to the bottom of the panel that can be used to scroll through more than 24 sims. Middle-click on this button to bring up the settings for the mod Add more settings to use this option to add more Sims in the city for the panel notes that these sims picture will not be listed if you have the 'Sims to list' set to 'selected Sims' Add Selected Adds the selected sim panel to note that these sims will not be listed if you have the' Sims' set to 'List of Selected Changes Sims' Filter the filtering approach used on the panel Filter: Show all interactions in Sim Menu If you see the' Portrait Panel 'of interaction in each menu sims default: True View Menu to Double Both Click to view the Sim menu when you double-click on the portrait of the SIM default: False List Sims to define what pool the sims to list in the panel sort order defines the order in which are displayed on the display panel version sims version of the credit notes for a mod Michse222 ModTheSims for the development of the original 24 Layo portrait. This mod replaces the Layo 'HudSkewer', and in conflict with any other mod that does the same. If you already use a mod-Core that includes this feature, DO NOT install this mod. ____________________________________________________________________

THE Overwatch

This mod is for the various and possible sim lost, stuck on hold for the city, return the gnomes that stop disabled, deleted the sim stray and abandoned vehicles, lightening and restoring the game. the mod here [CLICK ] v. 14 and its tuning here [CLICK ]

This mod adds a menu called "NRaas \\ Overwatch" for the town hall and the Sim Active: Immediately ... (Each alarm option under the "Settings" is available in this section, the call immediately) Automatic Controls Runs all commands from the console denoted as "Cars" alarm immediately commands execute any commands from the console denoted as "Alarm" Reset All When running immediately, the options for this mod will be reset to the default optimization Settings ... Effect Active Lot When activated, the processes of "Disable" to disable stuff also active on the lot Default: false Clean all the homeless one night Allows the elimination of all homeless in the city Default: false Concerto cleaning makes cleaning night of all the concerts in the city running Default: true Genealogy cleanup When activated, the mod will perform a clean up of genealogy and family ties to load Default: true Inventory Cleanup If enabled, the mod delete items who say they are in an inventory, when in reality they are setting default: true Cleaning Laundromat When activated, it performs a reset of the Community Laundry Night Default: true Vehicles Cleanup When activated, abandoned vehicles around the city are periodically removed Default: true recording If enabled, the mod will record actions for debugging Default: false Hair To purge a purge of genetic night of new hairstyles genetic Default: false Recover Missing Sims allows a recovery of any sims night that may have been lost due to a bug Default: Recovering the true wandering Allows CD recovery of any night toddlers left lots of community Default: true evidence of fraud activity allows fraud occurs automatically Default: false Disable stereo night An alarm goes off all the houses stereo inactive Default: A True Turn off the TV Night alarm goes off all TVs in homes inactive Default: true console commands ... Add command Add a new command file (newly added commands will be executed immediately) Automatic controls specify which commands should be executed automatically stored in load (active commands are immediately executed on) commands to specify which controls alarm stored must be carried out on a night the Remove command to remove an old command Run command Run a command from the archive stored NOTES This mod contains functionality that was originally available in supercomputers and StoryProgression. If you are running an older version of one of those mods, it may cause conflicts. This mod is tunable. For those of you who find it irritating to restore the settings for each new world that is created, it is now possible to optimize the global defaults. NOTICE As always, to ensure that backup is that you save files before installing this mod. This mod is terribly complex, so that if something can go wrong will go wrong. UPDATES Version 10 "Disable stereo" and "Turn Off TV" goes out to lots of equipment that you are visiting a sim is no longer active "stereo Disable" Disable items StereoCommunity Added encoding "Cleanup genealogy" , to eliminate duplicate reports may bust "Status Report \\" in MasterController "cleaning vehicles will now be performed on Added to replace the" TestBarBrawl "with one that has control complete French translation of coding errors Updated Version 11 "cleaning vehicles hours remove unused vehicles from the streets, as well as temporary vehicles added to the sim inventories Replaced" TestFight "with one that calls the custom" TestBarBrawl "added in 'Added the latest version cleanup code improperly assigned to a career rabbithole ________________________________________________________________

The mastercontroller is without doubt a complete mod for what rigiuarda the life of a sim .... Unfortunately his power debugging, that is, problem solver, is very limited. Here enters the Debug Enabler, we will give back if not all, most of the controls we had in TS2 in debug mode, with the famous trick of tricks. The mod is quite dangerous if used without the requirement (a sim of the undersigned was swimming in the grass UU) so do not abuse the power that gave us Twallan Follow the directions that we will give here, if you will make and ruin the SAVE YOUR HEAD YOUR GAME, WE will not accept liability. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR GAME BEFORE INSTALLING THE MOD UPDATE GAME EVER TO THE LATEST PATCH AND OUT, YOU CAN FIND HERE ON THE FORUM DOWNLOAD VERSION ALWAYS MORE 'Updating the NRAAS_DEBUG ENABLER

Downloading the latest version of NRAAS_DEBUG ENABLER is here (V 22) [CLICK ]

for Downloading Tunable the file is here [CLICK ]

Here is the original specifications of twalla translated into Italian: This mod adds a new menu called "DebugEnabler" to all objects in the game, including inventory sim. The menu DebugEnabler "contains the following interactions:" Move \\ Delta "Move the selected object upward or downward based on a given value "Move \\ Down" Move the selected object down one unit "Move \\ Undo" Undo the last object in his previous position "Move \\ Up Move the selected object up one unit "Options" menu opens the Advanced Debugging EA for the selected object "Ray Purge" Delete all in a given radius from the location specified "Update" Add menu " ; DebugEnabler "for all the new items in the game" key resource "Show PNG key for the selected object "Toggle" Available in the Sim menu, I use it to turn off the mod for the duration of the game session "Type Name" Show the internal code base for the selected object "Version" View the version of the mod ---- Additional specialties added by me debug interactions are listed in the readme. CREDITS Thanks to Pescado to create the whole "Nuke" on which "Purge" is based. WARNING As always, be sure to back up the save file before installing this mod. This mod is disarmingly simple, but if something can go wrong, will go wrong. All interactions displayed by menu "Options" EA debugging functions are provided in the vanilla game, but just disabled. There is no guarantee for the use of any of the interactions, some of which can seriously ruin a game, if used improperly. You have been warned. _______________________________________________________________


The options are many, then there will appear, click the word "other", more wheels. For convenience will identify just with the word "wheel". for the word mastercontroller will use the abbreviation MC. To understand the selected sim sim you have selected to play. Eliminate the hacks nraas not carrying out the same operations (such as the hack for Visa points) IF YOU CLICK ON THE WHEEL SIM - Add Buff = modlets adds, however, it is advisable to use the MC-Skill: Add = adds skill points skills, better use the MC = Get puts fish in the inventory of selected sim, 20 fish for each species = Gardening brings the gardening skills to 7 and 3 puts garden products for each species in the inventory of selected sim-Death : Apply Ghost Shader = is can make the sim where you click as a ghost, apparently Immediate Kill = you can choose the death of the sim you click on which you can choose = Die by the death of the selected sim-Celebrities: Set level celebrities = max 5 (level) Add Celebrity points = 100 points maximum-Opportunities: Add Opportunity = You can add an opportunity to choose among all of the game The other options are not tested, Object: Reset Force you clicked the selected material II-WHEEL Edit Sim Sim = creates a better use of the option in the MC-dress = Choose the option-the cabinet in a click Change Appearance = option in the mirror a click-Sim: Add Add professional career that requires skill test the effect of the news-Genealogy = may override these settings by restarting the game, then better to use the override Visual MC-= change the appearance of your sim (heat vision and vampire)-Make Food = cooking a dish of all dishes available in the game-Animation = devote a separate chapter on this wonderful option III WHEEL Make-fat = fat makes simminno instant-Set = relationship of these settings are lost when you restart the game, because the debuger is tunable, so better use the MC-Occult = sim turns into a mummy, or vampire-simbot Give Certificate of Partnership gives = certificate of residence in the country of your choice -Add/Set Visa Level 3 = put the number to get the maximum point of view, to pose = Ask the sim makes all the poses for photos at random

Perhaps the Did you know and as usual starts with nothing novice, but it's the gesture that counts: it is 3 am and I'm dying of sleep because I still have to wash my my socks are killing me TT but I wanted to write and clog the page with my firends disproportionate and unexpected kindness: D
Get ready because I will come back with pictures of last year and I spend at my partner (free house>: D) and there will be no escape for you: D!!
Good night and sweet dreams my sweet, good firendssss !!!!!


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