Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Mighty Muggs 2010


I wonder 'why' the technical course of marble always inspires me titles and thoughts from Dungeons and Dragons: sara 'due to the fact that the stone carving seems to me an epic!
After a break last week, today I started smartellare: from 10 to 16 practically without interruption, a kind of fury that made me dispose of a beautiful piece of work.
Progressione al 14 dicembre

Poor marble head, how many blows it and 'purloin today!
Inizio giornata

the other course that I follow in the first half, sculpture techniques, but I'm dealing with the technique of low relief. For the moment I'm looking for a person to copy: I left with a still life that I crock sifting through the pieces of sculptures and objects abandoned messed up that swarm in the classroom ...
Studio bassorilievo
... and after putting objects together, I have studied them through a drawing. But still lifes boring, so I decided that I 'a portrait of my colleague during Domitian.
Studio bassorilievo
Since I'm also working on a few subjects for the course on Techniques of the Foundry, I'm looking forward to collapsing under the Christmas tree and purr in peace with the angels!


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