Monday, January 31, 2011

Similar To Beautiful Agony

It 'a bit' that blog post: I am quite taken by the Academy courses, then there 'and fortunately it was Christmas' past in a hurry, then the new prof. Sculpture with which we are starting to get acquainted and then another little 'things that will mature in the coming months.
Most of the time I spent on three jobs for three different courses: Techniques Marble, casting techniques and techniques of sculpture. The block of marble that I received last November is increasingly 'taking human form: this piece of stone has been chiseled by hand, a subsequent treatment with a chisel and heavy electric and, ultimately, file a delicate labor: because I do not trust more 'to chisel on facial features with mallet and irons, I proceed using a small rasp to shape the details and modulate the shadows.
Marmo, fine lavoro 31 gennaio
January 31, 2011

Nose and 'finally erupted, with his little grace, and soon will open his eyes. But there is no 'fast. I work on the marble has imposed a certain discipline of slow: no need to rush on stone and simply remove brutally. The slow work serves to identify the planes as if peeling an orange with a thousand skins: they appear gradually on their own, the more 'guess how much more' look left, without too many calculations, and one the next.
I proceed by removing parts of the marble where the excesses are evident, but I work in spots, constantly-moving piece and sometimes I stop and look at the whole. Certainly not produce a work symmetrical and precise: I like that depending on the point you see the picture that is appearing, if they have a different view.
Marmo, fine lavoro 31 gennaio
January 31, 2011

Even after the initial trauma, I'm really into and I think that I'm doing is will be 'the only work they carve' for this course.
Marmo, inizio lavoro 24 novembre
November 24, 2010

Pero 'the next piece will be' white statuary marble, white as milk, which I guess I'll have 'andarmi to provide on-site or in Carrara Pietrasanta, as the Academy moves this marble and that 'white-gray, while a piece of marble statuary there' but 'only exposure to teaching.


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