Mr h.
I do not like serious post, and in fact will try to do as little as seriously as possible.
I advise you not to read it, anyway ...
we go.
A nice music teacher has some nice considerations for the disabled, to put it in an ironic way.
Now, I will not discuss the substance of his allegations, would be superfluous.
I just say that his mother is a good woman and does nothing of the things they're accusing the now, my dear reader. What I mean
'Back? Rupe Tarpea should return to "
> Tarpeian Rock
> My face: Ծ _ Ծ
Now, assuming that disabled people are not all of the lights, I would say that his cake was garnished with a beautiful cherry.
Few noticed. Why
in the "Popular Culture" Rupe Tarpea merged with the Mount Taygetos , on which the Spartans left the children not passing the Quality Check.
Because, unfortunately, we do not have the evidence, if not the story, centuries later, Plutarch , Athenian, who never saw him anyway.
step further:
"It opens the debate (that civilization thought to have exceeded half a century)"
half a century.
's check Wikipedia: Eugenics .
The Modern Eugenics is a discipline founded in 1800 by some funny eggheads who aim to create Barbie
criteria :
Poor and humble work -> to delete.
Rich and with a lavorone -> to hold.
Even a child would notice that if you eliminate those who till the fields, cleaning the streets and working in
"In the sixties of the nineteenth century eugenics was brought into vogue by Francis Galton (cousin of Charles Darwin) theorized that the gradual improvement of the breed according to criteria similar to those of biological evolution . He claimed involvement of the institutions needed for this purpose by crossing the appropriate selective. Galton also invented the term, drawing it from the greek classic. Especially in England and Germany, this theory was very successful, thanks to the strong set of positivist science and the prevailing ideal of progress of civilization. At the beginning of the twentieth century, also thanks to the efforts of entities like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Scottish Rite, England became the center of the spread of eugenic theories. In 1912 he held the first international congress in London, with the presence of a large delegation of "scientists" Italians, also inspired by the theories of Cesare Lombroso degenerazioniste. "
Lombroso, still you? I thought we were not seeing each other anymore?
One of the methods used to improve the human race was sterilized "unworthy" (feeble-minded, insane, idiots, imbeciles, and so on and so forth), and many Western states took to heart what : Switzerland, Sweden and the U.S. stopped doing it in 1985, respectively, in 1979 and 1976, to quote the last three states (and which does not speak of non-state associations).
I am very doubtful that it is really half a century, but one must admit that we are entering an area of concern, even when you drive, you may have great doubts, I assure you.
Want an example at random?
"If a poor country is overpopulated, it's just practice forced sterilization?"
People left and right give a lot of similar views, one way or the other (Obviously avoiding to point out that eliminating poverty is also the problem of overcrowding disappears as a result ...) .
step further.
One of the most common comments in this article that I saw was
"Reading these things I seem to be in the Middle Ages and not in the XXI century"
> sparta
> eight-twentieth-century eugenics
> Medieval
> My face: Ծ _ Ծ
In the "Popular Culture" begins in the Middle Ages an unspecified date when the cavemen fought dinosaurs and ends on Wednesday. Or at least before he was born "My lovely and fragrant modern person ", because the moral is usually " we're better ".
Many people use the Middle Ages as the dustbin of history witches burned in 1600? Middle Ages. Mancini linked in 1880? Middle Ages. Nazis who kill the disabled? Middle Ages .
guess 500 years between the world wars when they happened?
Bingo in the Middle Ages.
The improvement of the human race and of human society is also this: pretend that the worst is over for centuries and does not affect us.
But I'm not even 50 years.
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