Sunday, April 11, 2010

Funky Hair Highlights


In the last two weeks (except Easter) the sculpture course we are working on a new job: being studied by our students and 'the body of the model Claudia.
Professor of Sculpture has chosen a pose for her, decided the job size (one meter) and made us a model to portray it 'more' it 'not as if they were to prepare the project to build a Home:
front right side



luckily nothing plant =) Once
finished designs, we proceeded to build the basis for further reinforcement and modeling clay. The armor, in particular, and 'quite difficult to put together, since you have to cut iron bars of a certain diameter, smartellare to bend the laying of the second model, nail them to the base and secure them with wire.
The armor has already ended for me 'its dignity' of work (but not in the prof.)

Finally, we had to prepare the space for action: moving easels and tables and other tables stacked to reach the right height work.

Tuesday 'we begin to shape, always taking as reference the model (which will continue' to keep laying in the middle of the classroom), but will guide us the designs that we have already 'done. In practical design and live in 3D on the clay.
the face of the green and red glasses and the bells of "Avatar"!


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